Lab 4: Live GeoJSON/KML Data
National KML Snow Data for the U.S.
The map above is displaying NOAA KML data, which is another form of live data (KML). This KML data represents snow data as polygons that show where it is currently snowing in the U.S., which is updated by NOAA everyday.
Weekly Earthquake Data for Puerto Rico
The above map was designed using Mapbox Studio. The map is displaying live GeoJSON data of weekly earthquakes in Puerto Rico. The data is coming from a USGS live feed summary that constantly updates itself by fetching data from USGS, as specified by the code running in the background. The map has the functionality to search for a place, pan and zoom, re-center on Puerto Rico, toggle on and off the earthquake data, and the ability to click each earthquake icon to display unique data about each. Thank you for taking the time to read and interact with my maps.